




Our fees

Our fees are set up in very transparency with the client. The setting of fees is systematically made by a prior discussion.
In compliance with the deontological rules governing the Attorney profession, the law office uses three methods of fees setting :

• Time-based charging

In general, the office's fees are based upon the time spent on a case according to a hourly rate set between 230 and 250 euros tax free, depending upon different criteria linked to:

• the difficulty of the case.
• the experience of the Attorney in charge of the case.

Although it is always hard to set precisely by advance the amount of hours which would be dedicated to the case, the Law office commits itself to communicate, during the first meeting, an estimation of the fees connected to its intervention, and to inform, where required, on the risks of exceeding this estimation created by the needs to follow the case.

• Lump-sum fee charging

In accordance with the client, it can be decided in some particular cases to set a global and fixed-sum charging.
If so, the fees cover all the legal or judicial diligences realised, but do not include neither the disbursements nor the costs nor the compensation for the other intermediaries (such as the formalists, the ushers, the solicitors, etc…)
This way of charging gives right to the establishment of a fees agreement, setting the fixed amount and the services concerned.

• Success-related fee charging

The law provides that "the lawyer is in right to request and to obtain success-related fees additionally, in function of the result or of the service provided".
This success-related fee cannot constitute the only remuneration.
This way of charging gives right to the establishment of a fees agreement setting the fixed amount as well as the method of determination of the result fee (percentage of the amount of the sums gained or of the saving realised).


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