After his university formation – Master’s degree in Private Law – Judicial Careers (Sceaux-Paris XI, Class 1984); Institute of Criminology (Paris II Panthéon-Assas, Class 1985); DEA of General Private Law (Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, Class 1986), he takes oath and enters the Paris Bar in 1988.
After having practised with several specialized law offices, Patrick Meneghetti founded the lawfirm MENEGHETTI AVOCATS in 1991.
Patrick Meneghetti is a founding member and Vice President of the Bar Association "CautiOnLine", bringing together lawyers, judges and lawyers and to deepen the doctrine and practice of the surety law. He is also an associate member of the AMRAE (Association of the Risks Management and Companies’ Insurance), a member of the CEFAREA-ARIAS (French Center for Arbitration in Insurance and Reinsurance) a member of the association EURECA intended for the comparative study of european construction and insurance law and a member of the council of experts of the IREFI (Institute for Economics Relationships between France and Italy).
Administrator of the “Fondation des Oeuvres Sociales de l’Air” (FOSA ), a foundation recognized of public utility since 1937, Patrick Meneghetti is also adviser to the Delegation for Human Rights Centre for Study and Strategic Prospective (CEPS ) , International Non Governmental Organization (INGO) with participatory status approved by the Council of Europe , and a volunteer adviser to the Foundation “Un Avenir Ensemble” of the Grand Chancellery of the Legion of Honor.
He is the author of several articles, especially concerning insurances, construction, liability laws and financial guarantees.
Teacher, hired within the Université Paris XII, along with the Insurances Institute of Paris, organizer of numerous conferences, he also performs for almost twenty years as a professional trainer for diverse specialized organisms (Groupe Moniteur, EFE, etc.)
Patrick Meneghetti is Knight of the French National Order of Merit and holder of the Medal of the National Defense and of the Medal of Voluntary Military Services.
He holds the rank of colonel in the Airforce reserve.
Perle Krüger
Holder of a Master 2 in international commercial Lawl, obtained at the University of Montpellier I, Perle Krüger joined MENEGHETTI AVOCATS after having practiced in several business and liability specialized lawfirms.
Caroline Imberti
Holder of a Specialized Master of International Lawyer Manager obtained at the EMS of Lyon Business School and a Master II in International and European Business Law obtained at the University of Lorraine Nancy, Caroline Imberti joined the Cabinet MENEGHETTI AVOCATS in 2021, after having worked in an insurance company.
Michel Orsini
Holder of a Master's degree in litigation, arbitration and ADR from the University of Paris II, a Master's degree in international and European law from the University of Paris X, and a Master of Science in Management from the Grenoble School of Management, Michel Orsini joined MENEGHETTI AVOCATS after having practiced in several lawfirms specialized in international arbitration, litigation and real estate.
Khadija Bouroubat
Doctor of Law, with a thesis in real estate, construction and environment law at the University of Paris XI, Khadija Bouroubat also holds a Master 2 in Environnment and business security obtained at the University of Paris XI.
She joined MENEGHETTI AVOCATS after having practiced in several real estate and industrials firms.
Malak Imakor
Holder of a Master of business, healthcare and biotechnologies law obtained at the University of Paris II, Malak Imakor joined MENEGHETTI AVOCATS after having practiced in several lawfirms.